Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why should the internet have more restrictions - 700 Words
Why should the internet have more restrictions? Violent websites or videos that are posted to the internet are becoming more popular and aggressive. In the past 12 months 5% of youth, 10-15 years of age, have reported engaging in seriously violent behavior such as aggravated and sexual assault, and 38% reported exposure to violence online and off-line were associated with violent crimes. (Ybarra 929) Tested websites included news related websites that showed terrorism, war, and death. As a teenage female living in a virtual world, I know for a fact that anyone has access to view pornography or violence at the click of their finger. Even relaxing on social media websites have become a danger to the minds of youth from all the inappropriate†¦show more content†¦History shows how cruel people can be to one another and if we don’t allow better restrictions to commence soon, we will be responsible for any damage brought to the world through the internet. The Neo-Naziâ€⠄¢s used low restrictions on the internet to their advantage in the early stages of website creations by using bulletin board systems already in the pre-World Wide web page (Eissens). Terrorist groups use the internet to promote their personal beliefs of how governments or people are undesirable. There are quite a few websites that terrorist have used to influence peoples choices and have encouraged that it is alright to impose crimes against their governments. Violence online is nothing to be taken lightly (Ybarra pg.) Today’s youth exposed to many kinds of violence, online have been reported exhibiting violent behavior. Websites that show war, dead bodies, and how to create weaponry such as bombs, have been some of the reasons youth have assumed violent crimes are alright as long as mentally justified. Studies show that youth that have visited websites where they show real people engaging in actual violence are more likely to exhibit violent behavior than youth that have not. Youth that have been exposed to violence on the internet believe that because someone else has done the crime and possibly gotten away with it, they will be able to commit the crime andShow MoreRelatedThe President and Internet Traffick996 Words  | 4 PagesResearch Paper 2: Do you think it is a good idea for the President of the United States to have the authority to limit or shutdown internet traffic to and from any compromised federal government or U.S. critical infrastructure information system or network? Why or why not? Yes and no. For the general public, I don’t think limiting the internet would be a wise idea. Our country was founded on freedom, and to infringe upon that would cause civil unrest. 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